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Old 05-05-2011, 12:54 AM   #1
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trucks heart transplant

i let my dad borrow my 83 pickup for a long road trip with her long overdue for a oil changeand my crank timing a lil messed up from when my balencer separated in two. on my way to school i was missfiring onthree cylinders pouring black and blue smoke truck stalling out easily rpms cut in half from average and to keep running at a few hundred rpms i had to floor it so chelsea is loosing her 305 so it canbe rebuilt and gainga performans 400 with a couplehundred miles(fresh rebuild) i wont be there for the swap but will post pics afterwards also anyone with a 400 lemme know what im infor (i already know single digit gas milage)
'83 chevy c-10 scottsdale 400 cid 2wd "chelsea"
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