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Old 05-12-2011, 11:36 PM   #1
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Holly Off Road Avenger Installed. What a difference~!

I opted for the Aluminum 670cfm model and was a little skeptical. After installing it there were a few issues. All my bad~! Hooked the vacuum lines up wrong and the old carb springs were week. Now that it is installed correctly it really is wonderful compared to the Rochester and the Edelbrock 1406. The Edelbrock was good off the line and out of the box it did not run correctly on my truck at altitude of 6k. It took lots of adjustments and a supply of needles and jets to run at different altitudes and never ran right at all off road even after adding the springs. The Rochester was fine off road but was old and needed the throttle plate bushing kit installed as there is slop there letting air in so it does not idle well and has a float sticking or something causing gas to run over. So I went on a test drive with everything working properly and WOW what a difference. Starts IMMEDIATELY and correctly. I just barely bump throttle and the choke kicks in and just a quick flip of the key and it runs. NEVER started like that with 3 other carbs. Flat out gets with it down the road and I have not even put in the performance spring in the secondaries. Going off road and mudding a little tomorrow after all the rain tonight. LQQK OUT~!
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