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Old 05-31-2011, 11:49 PM   #21
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Steelville mo
Posts: 52
Re: 83 swb thats been sitting awhile (pics)

IT RUNNSS!! I'm pretty stoked right now. I spent my whole day off and about $120 but it all seems worth it now. I'm mad I didn't take a video but I honestly didn't expect it to start. I painted the frame and the bottom of the cab where the gas tank goes. I went and picked up the new sending unit and mounted the tank up. Then I made another trip to town to get some oil and a filter. I came back and pulled the drain plug on the oil pan...nothing. Needless to say I wasn't too confident dumping the oil in but i checked and there were no considerable leaks. I jumped in the drivers seat and hit the key. It was turning over fine but not firing so i had my mom crank it while I messed with the carb which probably did nothing but i felt the need to. She pumped the hell out of the gas and it fired up ran about 3 seconds and died. We just kept and it and got it to stay running while giving it a little gas. I got in and I revved it pretty high for a bit and a belt squealed so I got off of it and let it be. I'll go mess with it tomorrow but now its time for a shower. I apologize for being long-winded but I'm just excited and had to share. haha
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