I have a bunch of bead blasted parts. Some I'm using for my project and some I had done with the intent to resale....
...I have been watching auctions on the parts I have to see prices for the used parts in decent condition.....and the same parts NOS.
I truly feel the bead blasted parts...when beginning with a nice used piece...are as good...or even better than most NOS. The NOS parts have the black finish on them and are 99% of the time scratched up/dinged from shelfwear. the beadblasted parts are perfect and function like new.
I am watching a door latch right now on ebay...it's at an incredible 177.00 with almost four days left as of now...
To make a short story long.....
what do you guys feel about bead blasted/treated parts vs NOS? I will advertise as bead blasted/treated in the ad but am thinking of posting that they are "like" NOS or "as-good" as NOS since they truly are.
I originally was thinking the latches were worth around 50-60 each...but with the NOS one at almost 200 I'm reconsidering

Plus, a reproduction costs you $50 each and we all know they aren't as nice as a super nice original part...
My other question is if YOU were purchasing....would you prefer the parts to be primed and painted (if I had pictures of the parts when blasted as part of the ad) or would you rather buy them raw? If I prime and paint (with proper prep and professional paint gun) I would ask at least $10-20 more per part depending on the part...
I don't have a pic of the latches right now but they look a lot like these parts that are going on my 72 super build....