Re: Interested in what others think
Another thing to keep in mind about repop cabs is the laws for titles.Some states are starting to require that vehicles be titled and pass inspections for the year the maor components were manufactured.In some cases this could mean the truck has to pass current emissions,corrosion,and safety requirements.You might be able to get around it with it being a replacement part but it's still something that may keep someonefrom building tham.I for one would love to see complete new cabs ready to use available.The repop companies don't want to pay for the tooling etc. only to have no demand because the truck has to meet current specs.
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You can't fix stupid,not even with duct tape.
"My appearance is due to the fact that "GOD" does punish you for having too much fun!"
Barrett-Jackson has perfected alchemy,they make rust into gold!
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't saddle a duck"
"Cleverly disguised as a 'Responsible Adult'
"Sometimes your Knight in shining armor is just a retard in tinfoil"