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Old 07-01-2011, 05:32 PM   #3
chris mc bride
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Re: do any of you guys know production numbers on 1968 panel truck 4x4 3/4 ton?

Never checked on 68 4x4 but when looking for info on my 69,I think there where something like in 4x4 3/4ton. So I would say probaly close to that for 68 aslo.4x4 was not a big selling option back then as compared to now days where probaly 50% or more of trucks sold have 4x4
I would say you have a very rare piece. Might take a while but once restored Id think you would be able to get pretty good price for it.Problem is kind of like Ive been told panels are vehicles that are not in as high demand as say pickups of same area. I gues the no side windows for passengers to look out of is reason for it. To me the fact not everyone has one makes them cool.Id love to find 4x4 for sale when I have money to buy my luck is when I find something for sale I busted and when have money no one has anything like that for sale.
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