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Old 07-03-2011, 08:16 PM   #11
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Re: How much to sell your truck

Originally Posted by Ackattack View Post
How much would it take someone to offer you to hand over the keys to your truck? Ya know, you're at a gas station and someone offers "x" dollars for your truck, which may be different than what its worth or what you could actually sell it for (though I've seen some craigslist ads for the make me sell it price)

My '69 I might let go for about $5k. On the other hand I think my wife would let it go for free
Oh...sorry then, cause I was gonna offer you $4500.00 CASH for your 69.
Hello members...
I'd like you to know that I sold,
my 72 GMC (Ratikle),
back in November of 2011.
I don't visit the site much anymore,
but please feel free,
to drop me a private message.
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