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Old 07-03-2011, 08:33 PM   #27
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Re: How much to sell your truck

I could do the Obligitory $50K, but at this point in my Lefe, I don't think I would sell it.
Even though I've only had this Truck for 2 1/2 years, everything that I've had done to it, didn't come easy. Sacrafices had to be made, and Toys" sold to continue the effort.
I know what this Trucks been through, and whats been done to it.

When I had my 67 C-10, everything came TOO easy.
I'd take it into the Shop and say "Do It", and come back 3 weeks later with a GM Crate Engine, Custom Built Tranny, Electric cooling fans ect.

I didn't have my "Hands In The Pie", and watch it go through its stages, like I have with THIS Incarnation of "RATIKLE", and because its come harder,
I feel a lot more for it, and havent even BEGUN to enjoy it to its fullest potential.

"My Truck.....I think I'll Keep Her".
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Hello members...
I'd like you to know that I sold,
my 72 GMC (Ratikle),
back in November of 2011.
I don't visit the site much anymore,
but please feel free,
to drop me a private message.
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