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Old 07-04-2011, 07:24 PM   #49
The Older Generation

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Re: How much to sell your truck

OK, I have to change my story here (post #6). I was driving the '39 Ford Coupe last week and I stopped at the local convenience store to get a Coke. This guy comes over to me as I am getting into the car and asks me what it is worth. I told him 27.5. We get to talking and he asks if I have any other cars. I said yes and told him what I had. He asks if any of them are for sale I said all of them except for the '36 Ford Coupe. He ends up following me home and falls in love with the White '67 Shortie. Long story short he came back today and paid me for it.... So that is two serious parking lot buyers in the last 45 years. The average is going up...


Locksmith, Specializing In Antique Trucks, Automobiles, & Motorcycles

(My Dually Pickup Project Thread)


Last edited by LockDoc; 12-03-2011 at 09:57 AM.
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