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Old 07-07-2011, 02:10 PM   #2
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Re: Sport mirrors which ones fit?

I think you will end up drilling more holes unless you get the exact ones you already had.

My doors have the original 3 for the single post mirrors (with factory filler screws I believe), seven (yes, seven!) more for some monster camper mirrors someone decided they needed at one time, and I put the sport mirrors on it when I bought it. Yes, a grand total of 13 holes per door.

Be careful if getting the sport mirrors. I got the repops and the passenger side wouldn't adjust in far enough to see down the side of the truck. I ended up making a contoured wedge to fit between the mirror and door to make it usable (probably tacky by many people's standards, but it works and I didn't think it looked bad).
68 Chev C20- son has it now
83 K20 - bought from son
70 C20 - in progress
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