Thread: Quadrajet 4MV
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Old 07-08-2011, 01:30 PM   #16
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Re: Quadrajet 4MV

1/8th inch rod wasn't original, but after I took a picture of carb this morning, I saw that rod was too long, and hitting choke linkage at the top. This was preventing choke from closing. After modifying rod, [had to shorten it about 3/16ths of an inch] I noticed that choke still wasn't closing completely. Took choke coil and put it in freezer for 10 minutes, then put back on truck. Choke worked perfect, and truck fired right up. Probably work fine if it was winter time. I guess now the choke thermostat coil is going to have to be replaced. Must be wore out and lost some tension.
Checked with Eckler's, and can't believe they're wanting $25 for this thermostat. Anyone know of cheaper place to get one?
Might try junkyard. Don't know if I can find one, or the right one. Probably end up paying $25 anyways. Hope it's free shipping. Ain't a tightwad...on Social Security Disability and have limited income. Have to watch my pennies.
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