Originally Posted by Shaky
Be aware - the original points ignition took 7 volts at the distributor. There was a resistor wire in the original wiring that knocked the 12 volts down to 7.
When installing an HEI, I always by-pass the original wiring and run a new wire straight from the fuse box to the distributor. The HEI requires 12 volts at the distributor. (I usually try not to run the wire on top of the exhaust though)
Someone let me know if I'm wrong about this...
You're correct.
To add to this discussion..... The vacuum line was off for the trans modulator & there was a wire shorted because it was not secured properly. This would suggest 'poor' follow-up by the techs that did the work. That being said, I would go through all the basic stuff immediately.
Check all wiring surrounding the engine bay. Make sure the grounds are in place & tight/secured @ the engine block, the chassis, & from the cab.
Verify all vacuum related necessities for the motor have the vacuum they need & that the lines are in good shape. You need to also determine why the vacuum charcoal canister had an open port (Did the sloppy techs leave another line off? Is something else not connected? Did they break something & not correct it??).
Verify you have 13+ volts going to the battery.
Verify you have 12+ volts going to the ignition.
I would do all of this before I drove it around the block again.