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Old 07-27-2011, 04:16 PM   #1
fine 67
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: webster,n.y.,usa
Posts: 127
question of the year

why do aftermarket parts fit like crap or do not fit at all!!!!! in 40 freaking years no one can make the same as oem. heres what really pisses me off we can make phones ,i.pods computers but we can not cut a piece of rubber or make a piece of weatherstrip. i have a tons of time and money in my truck to find out the front fender seals were cut for a yugo .the door seal will take a 20 ton portapower to get them to close and on and on . i'm sure all the people on this site would not mind paying a little more for a piece had fit right .i did not name any suppliers just need sum help on where to buy thanks
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