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Old 08-18-2011, 08:38 PM   #8
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Re: Antenna help questions.. ideas

go to a hardware store or plumbing supply and get the cover that goes into a 4 hole sink when you are using a faucet without spray, it is a small cover that plugs the hole where a sink spray would go through the sink, it has tabs that can been bent in and stay, you could also paint it, the technical term is: a cockhole cover. I know that sounds very nasty and I am not trying to be but that is what it is called, for real.
No one ever fell to the top of a mountain.

When asked why I work on old trucks, I tell them: Been married 27 years, sons are pretty much gone, don't like the wife anymore and don't have a girlfriend, so, gotta do something, the old trucks are cheaper and less drama than a girlfriend -
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