08-24-2011, 11:15 PM
Old member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Liberty, & Garden City S.C. , U.S.
Posts: 19,945
Re: I need a catchy title for a "cruise in" I am organizing, any ideas?
Originally Posted by jeffg1010
Hey, by the way... I finally got ahold of Hailey at Duke today via email. She said they cant help us out ... BUT! (maybe I should quote her on this one)
"Unfortunately, I can’t secure any funds for a sponsorship of your event. However, if this is an event that requires volunteers and manual labor, your Duke contact might be able to secure a company grant for your organization. It is certainly worth looking into. Every Duke Energy employee has the opportunity to apply for grants for projects. The grant money is dependent on the project, which must have “sweat equity” – meaning there needs to be something physical the employee/s can do for the project too. Try reaching out to your Duke contact (you can even ask him to call me and I can advise him on how to apply for grants). Typically, the grants are for projects like serving people at a soup kitchen or building shelves, but I know they have gone to help support events as well, like the Special Olympics."
Are ya busy Saturday, October 29th?  Do ya wanna help out  Maybe earn some "sweat equity"? You're my only Duke contact!
I would love to...but I have a outage at Oconee and our son is in bootcamp in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and will gradute sometime in October. I have already been told they will let me off for that so I doubt I could get another weekend off. I will see closer to the time how things look though!
How about "Cruisen to a Movie"
1971 LWB Custom, 6.0LS & 4L80E, Speedhut.com GPS speedometer & gauges with A/C. 20" Boss 338's Grey wheels 4 wheel disc brakes. My Driver
Seeing the USA in a 71
Upstate SC GM Truck Club
2013,14 and 2016 Hot Rod Pour Tour
Get out and drive the truck this summer and have some fun!
It sucks not being able to hear!
LWB trucks rule, if you don't think so measure your SWB!
After talking to tech support at Air Lift I have found out that the kit I need is 60811. Per the measurements I gave them. Ride height of truck inside spring and inside diameter of springs.