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Old 08-28-2011, 03:00 AM   #463
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Re: 1977 Chevy K30 Crew Cab Build

Funny, I get the whole "you're crazy" a lot from my wife too....

Hate to say it, but will have more than that in it when it's all said & done - however, that amount was my original justification for doing this. I really don't like the new trucks in that you can't option them how you want (i.e. manuals are impossible anymore in a gas engine or in a half-ton) - it's a "if you get this, you also get this" & most times I don't want "that"... Plus I have always been partial to the square body design over all others.

It's going to end up being a lot more than I had originally planned & budgeted for, but it will definitely be something special & there won't be ANYTHING jsut like it out there anywhere!!! With luck it'll be featured in a magazine or two & hopefully win a few show categories to boot!

Appreciate you following the build & hopefully I keep having more to show you as the weeks tick by.

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