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Old 09-05-2011, 02:23 PM   #18
ya it is a classic
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Re: who likes money?

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Some of you guys seem worried about what he is going to do tomorrow for cash.


And to assume that he will start stealing is rude.

I don't currently have a job. I am scrapping for a living. Its not that easy anymore to get scrap cars. Some i buy, or do percentage with the owner. Some you do get for free.

I want to thank him for telling others how to earn some extra cash if they need it.
fine69 is right. even if i quit getting batteries after i take these in ill have still made alot of money. and yes the point about stealing is very valid. i would never steal anything. especially a battery! but you hear on the news all the time about people stealing new copper pipe and selling it for scrap. and yes it is getting hard to find cars to scrap. ive only found one that i had to give $50 for. and i know of another one i can get for free but itll be hard to get at. and to the guy that said what is he going to do tomorrow? im a senior in HS with an afterschool job, so this isnt my full time job or anything.
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