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Old 09-06-2011, 12:35 AM   #22
fat old dude
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Re: who likes money?

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man View Post
I've been doing this for years on a very small scale. I have a pile of 30 or so starters and alternators, about 10 A/C compressors, and a few other odds and ends just waiting for me to get time to go to my buddy's place to unload them. I get catilitic converters from time to time and this guy will buy anything you have that is hard to unload. He was chomping at the pit to get a safe off of me a years ago. The safe was free to me, and I got a nice intake and some valve covers, and a couple other odds and ends.
Something to take note of... A/C units are dead now. I found out that new EPA law has it to where they can't buy ANYTHING that held or carried refrigerant without some kind of paperwork from a licensed A/C guy. I found this out a day too late.
Anyone wanna buy a locked up household condensor unit and a coil? I'll sell it cheap!
yeah its bcause the freon cant be released into the air. ypur supposed to have a pro empty it. luckily i have friends that work in HVAC.
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