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Old 09-20-2011, 07:46 PM   #12
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Re: Estimated best guess cost to rebuild stock carb?

Do it yourself if you can, it's not hard. Just get organized and go slow. There are rebuild services, but they can be pricey. The throttle shafts are known to wear on Q-jets and can cause a vacuum leak, the solution is to bore and press an insert in. If your throttle shafts are worn it might be better just to get a new carb. One word of caution, remanufactured Q-jets are know to have problems most of the time.

Either rebuild yours yourself for the price of a kit, pay somebody to do it or buy a new carb.

I'm not a fan of the Edelbrock 1405/6's. This is my new favorite carb, and I've had them all:

It has alot of things you can't get for the price and it's very tunable. But most likely you'll pop it on, adjust the idle/air mixture and just cruise.
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