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Old 09-21-2011, 10:04 PM   #23
Hand Crafted C-10
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Re: Bashing threads Please Read..

Originally Posted by beautimus View Post
thankyou, mam, for keeping things peaceful here, we do get a little out of line at times, and occasionally need to be reminded of our manners. For the most part the people here are great, but maybe we are sometimes, a little too passionite in our beliefs, and our range of humour varies greatly.
So thankyou Liz for reminding us to keep it on a sane level.
Your work keeps this board what it is. The Greatest Place on the net.
Thanks, Tony
Very kind and well thought out post Tony. Yes Liz (and Josh and the rest of the Mods) have a heck of a job juggling so many personalities and few here, other than the other Mods, realize the supreme effort involved in keeping the members and the threads moving smoothly.

Many forget we aren't truly anonymous and what we say can actually be affecting someone else.
Do I see things I think are tacky or just plain goofy? You bet.
Do I try to never say something about my opinion that I wouldn't dream of saying to the vehicle's owner to their face? Again, yes.
I'm just like everyone else...get caught up in the moment and would love to say WTF but don't.

To quote another post (almost): "when opinions become mean we are lost".

BTW--today is International Peace Day. On that note; have a nice evening.
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