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Old 09-25-2011, 09:32 AM   #1
Steve Hafner
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TWO Questions about A/C Compressors and brackets

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The first question is: Who sells the "small" A/C compressor that's painted BLACK, in the first picture below ?

The second question is: What front, A/C bracket is pictured in the other two pictures ? The bracket I have on my original 70 350, is a lot bigger and hides the entire front of the valve cover. I seem to remember reading that there are two different brackets for two different water pumps. That small bracket seems to just attach to the head though. ( I'm going to have to re-install my large, DEAD, original A/C compressor for a while until I can buy all of the stuff to change it over - it just won't have a belt on it ) I'd like to use the smaller bracket, if possible.


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