Re: anybody used this dual master cylinder bracket?
I hacksawed the bottom off of the original master cylinder which allowed the use of a 90 degree bracket made from 1/4" plate to bolt to the frame and master cylinder/hydroboost unit. the pedal support pivot is the top half of the old master cylinder. I cleaned it up on the grinder, and it doesn't look half bad. It even has a groove cast into it that the shaft uses for clearance.
Now I have a little place to keep a cash stash! lol
I bought a rebuilt hydroboost at the Good Guys show for $100, an a mastercyl. and hydroboost unit for $60 off craigslist. Now I have a spare for rebuilding.
Yea I know this is an old thread, I just found it.
Last edited by Coupeguy2001; 10-02-2011 at 04:14 PM.