squekie noise
so i have been hearing this squekie noise for almost a week. thought it was the p/s pump till i notest the noise stayes the same when i reved the engine.
so took it to the local garadge and had the guy but it on the rack so he could have the engine running. he said he hurd the noise arount the oil pan and the front of the trans. so if it was the oil pump the noise would get faster when i gave it the gas same as if it was the trans. So i need your help it sounds like somthing is loose.
"Your trucks fast! You must have been going 120 when I passed you."
"Owning A 10 Sec Import Is Like Coming Out Of The Closet, In The End Ur Still Gay"
If for some reason i loose to a import...At least i can go home knowing the vehicle i drive drops girls panties...