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Old 10-11-2011, 06:55 PM   #3
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Re: Q-Jet adustment issues, jets?

It depends on the carb, Holley's do ...... Qjet's adjustment may all happen in the first couple turns, after that you may have already exceeded the taper on the needle ...any further out may do nothing. The main thing is that it does respond when turned all the way in, if it did'nt your idle circuit ain't working and your idling off the mains.

If your timing is at 12-14 degrees initial and your within 2 turns of closed on both sides w/smooth idle 14-16 inches of vac that would be good for a performance cam but low for a stock cam ...should be more like 18-20. (what cam are you running ?)

Don't worry about the needles not responding after two turns out if your engine is running smooth with good idle and vacuum.....the Qjet you have may very well have a limit to how rich the idle circuit can be adjusted, I've had carbs which did the same thing
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