Thread: small block 400
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Old 10-14-2011, 01:22 PM   #12
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Re: small block 400

Originally Posted by denny5625 View Post
Huh? Now you're talk'n a foreign language! LOL! Thats what I heard years ago that they had overheating problems. Does the machine shop do the drilling on the heads?
If you lay a 400 head gasket on a 350 head, you will see some small holes next to the web between the cylinders. Those keep steam from building up on the 400. You can drill them with hand drill, or any machine shop will know what to do.

Overheating with the 400s is misunderstood by a lot of people. The 400 isn't any more likely to overheat than a 350 or any other SBC. The 400 is less tolerant of overheating than other SBCs, if it does overheat, because of thinner walls in the castings.

It's a great motor and I'd take it in a heartbeat. Make sure you use the right balancer and flex plate.
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