Originally Posted by truckster
...Overheating with the 400s is misunderstood by a lot of people. The 400 isn't any more likely to overheat than a 350 or any other SBC. The 400 is less tolerant of overheating than other SBCs, if it does overheat, because of thinner walls in the castings...
There ya go! Heck,has no one ever roached a 350? I believe a 400 can run cooler,if anything,when driving along normal (who does that,right?) due to the torque they make and less throttle demanded. They work effortlessly where a 350 needs a slight push. They are great in the trucks. GM should have offered these. I had a stock one in a K/20 and it was an ideal motor. It got 12.5 mpg with 4.10s and 12.50/35 rubber. Never broke a sweat.