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Old 10-21-2011, 01:46 PM   #17
purple gas
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Re: Junkyard Question

I saw a guy at a local yard with one of those pull golf bag cart things. He had put some small ( like maybe 10") bicycle wheels on it , said the originals were kind of bouncy and rough being solid rubber, and had a some plywood ( about 16" x48" ) where the golf bag used to sit with a hinged flap on the bottom. On the flap he had a bucket with one of those pouch things to keep his tools in and put small parts. He'd drilled a few holes in the wood so he could Strap his tool bucket and/or tie parts to it. You couldn't haul a tranny on it or anything heavy like that, those carts are pretty light guage aluminum construction. Probably handle a fender though, . He said he had hauled a bench seat in 2 trips ( it was too tippy in one piece, this yard is badly rutted ). It was light, quite stable and all folded up to fit in the trunk of his car. Looked like it worked better than the beat up wheel barrows with flat tires the yard had for use. Pretty freekin clever actually.
I got a bench seat baby, you don't have to sit over there.
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