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Old 03-28-2002, 11:49 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Woodinville, WA
Posts: 513

I just finished reading an article in Super Chevy, March issue, about a carb spacer made by a company called High Velocity Heads. The writers of the article talked about how they don't have much respect for carb spacers but they liked this one. They tested it out on a mildly built 355 and it added about 15hp and 10lb-ft. It is a plastic composite or something like that so it also gives the carb a break from the intake manifold heat. The writer of the article seemed to like it, can't always trust them, but it cost something like $85 big ones. Oh well, hope this helps.
'71 C-10
'72 GMC K2500
'72 Nova (Dad's)
'70 Chevelle SS
'55 Sedan Delivery

Attempting to build up this here 4x4...make her real tall and purty...well, maybe just tall
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