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Old 11-17-2011, 07:30 PM   #1
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How do I establish the price of my 72 C10 for sale?

I'm going to be selling my Father's 1972 C10. Its a SWB 4x4 1/2 Ton with a 350 and 373 rear end. We are selling it after March 2012. (He bought it the day he got his first job, and now, 40 years later, he is retiring from that same job and wants to drive it to work on his last day.)

He's the original owner and has rebuilt the body twice, but last done in 1996. It's around 180k miles and rust is beginning to take is toll on the floor board. Some parts are in great condition, others are needing help.

I've surfed the web, KBB and NADA, and here for whats for sale, but the varying quality of vehicles makes it difficult to establish a good price line. What resources can the membership point me towards that might help me in getting the right price when we put this up for sale?

Thanks in advance.
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