Originally Posted by BR3W CITY
I've got (what seems to me) like a pretty cool idea for a unique setup, if you want to replace the ash tray like you said.
Get yourself a used ipod touch, the iphone sized ones with app's and full wifi etc. If your rear mount the phone behind the ash tray spot, you will have a full color bluetooth compatible remote control. Then you mount a head unit in the glove box, which in this case would work well with the newer Alpine lineup. It has full control and remote interface with the iphone and itouch, and it charges unlike some. You can then do a radio delete panel and have room for custom gauges, or another small video screen.
That's a pretty neat idea! I think the iPod would look pretty cool if it where flush mounted. It could still be removable from the back side, and it would give it a much more custom look if it appeared as part of the dash!