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Old 11-21-2011, 11:47 AM   #15
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Re: In dash modern stereo systems? Pics?

Originally Posted by Str8axle View Post
Not exactly "in the dash".
My '65 had this ancient cassette deck in it when I got it. I removed that and temp mounted my Sony in it's place. It came with a remote key pad, so I plan to mount the Sony under the seat and mount the key pad somewhere on the dash or in the glovebox.
Dont remember what forum it was on but seen someone gut the inside of a 8 track player that mounted under dash(could use a cb or tape deck) put the stereo/cd player inside and made the faceplate hinge,so it looked like the 8 track but you flipped down the face and cd player was inside. pretty slick!

here it is found it on the H.A.M.B he used a older cd player but can do the same thing with a newer one couple other people have done this same trick, this guy even made it so when you turned the knob it locks and unlocks the face plate so it doesnt fall down:

Timmy D.

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Last edited by losthope; 11-21-2011 at 12:03 PM.
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