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Old 11-22-2011, 10:06 AM   #17
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Cool Re: old engine cleanin ?

Originally Posted by Gyawo View Post
Have fun getting your oil pick up plugged with all the crap that has settled up top and then gets loose after that. If you want to clean the engine, rebuild it.
Without a doubt the best advice on this thread. ^^^

Never personally did an engine flush and anyone I've met who did it wound up rebuilding/replacing it later on.

I had been told that to remove small amounts of buildup use Marvel Mystery Oil in the crankcase, substitute one quart of MMO for oil during an oil change. Drive as normal, watch the level and add more MMO if it's low, change after one month or so and repeat. It's intended as a lubricant that has cleaning properties compared to diesel which will wash away assembly lube, destroy seal/gasket adhesives, and make for a bad day.
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