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Old 11-29-2011, 11:05 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: San Angelo Texas
Posts: 15
Milky Radiator Fluid

On my 67 C10 I have noticed a milk substance inside my radiator. I initially thought headgasket or cracked head. I have checked my oil dipstick and looked inside of the oil filler cap and have not seen any water or milky substance visable. But I noticed that my trans fluid was low. I now think my trans cooler line is leaking into the radiator.I called a radiator shop and was told the radiator could be repaired and flushed. My queston now is will i have to get the whole transmisson flushed after the radiator is repaired? I did not notice any milky substance on the transmisson dipstick either.
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