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Old 01-13-2012, 09:48 AM   #1
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benwah's 1962 k-20 save

Ok I never did an official intro. My first truck was a 64 c-20 bbw. Didnt have it long, I was 16 and my dad wanted it to go. I wanted to fix it up that was the 80s. A friend of mine baught a 66 k-10 early 90's. It had a 327 that thing was an animal! I tried to buy it off him several times but he wound up toatling it out. That was the first 4x4 60-66 chevy I knew of . When I was a kid my dad had a 63 c-10 , upgrated to a 65 c-20 then a 67 c-20. Somehow I woundup playing with old Mopars and IH trucks. It was after a 5.7 deisel that gernaded on me, that left a bad taste on me with GM. I was under the hood more than driving the dam thing. It crapped out in front of this guys house that had a 72 Dodge pickup with grass 3' all around it. We traded trucks , Kinda felt bad for him. The 72 Dodge ran... But I remember being in my dad's 63 with the wraparound windshield,. Awesome truck. So now I'm looking for any 60-63 4X4..... I find one in 2005 3/4 ton 4X4 1962 cab chassie model. $250. This old girl had a hard life . 1st owner unknown. 2nd was Gaylord Hospital in Wallingford CT as a grounds truck.. In '92 it was sold to a construction outfit as a site truck. I would have normanly either parted out the truck or scrapped it. But it has a marion pto off the transmission and a twin piston dump frame.
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