Polishing is never an easy task, and definitely not easy when you are starting with something was not polished in the first place. Yes, lots of albow grease is a must and goes hand and hand with polishing from my experience.
I have used Mothers wheel polish, Never Dull and many others and had great luck with them all but I'm another HUGE fan of Wenol. That stuff is great and helps to reduce the elbow grease part of polishing
67 SWB 4x4 - 396 BB / SM420 4 spd
8" lift / 15x14 Welds & 35X14.5 SSR's
Grants Pass, OR
67 Short Fleet 4x4
04 Honda CRF450R
89 Toyota 4-Runner
34 Ford 2 door sedan - Long term project
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness"