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Old 03-13-2012, 08:41 PM   #21
C10 - C90 Bill
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Re: GMC 4000...? or 5000's about time...

Originally Posted by A.T. RockDriller View Post
with the rear axle having a 5.75:1/7.75:1 ratio....I gotta think it would never make it over about 50 mph....pushing it.

You make it up you can drive that mutha till yer heart's contenttt.
Les, the 5.75/7.75 Rear doesn't sound that bad to me. There is a guy or two over at Stovebolt that could actually figure that out for you. If you tell them the Ratio and Tire Size they can work out the math to figure out a pretty acurate MPH in 5th High.

My '62 6500 with a 478 V-6 and a 5 and 2 would go 62 MPH. They told me it had a governor but I never proved it either way.

Sure would love to take it for a blast, but being 3000 miles away, it's going to be rough. Appreciate the offer anyway!!

'60-'72 Chev/GMC Fan
GMC 9500 Fan
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