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Old 03-15-2012, 09:58 AM   #1
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Posts: 334
Quartz Clock for your dash

I have these clocks posted on the 73-87 classified but thought I would list them on here as well. I have picked up several more and they look as nice as these in the pic. This could be used to fill that vacant hole in your dash.
Each one was bench tested for several hours and worked great. Each one has had the face removed and then polished. The adjustment stem sanded and painted black and the hands painted as close to the original color as I could get. Some of them do have different second hands. Let me know if you have a preference. These are extremely sharp and will look great in your dash. Each one comes with a plug plenty of wire to attach to. These are easy to hook up. The black wire is the ground and the orange wire goes to the fuse box. $45.00 shipped to you. Money order or paypal. I Know I have a couple rubber grommets and I will include one with your clock until I am out. These really are sharp looking. Thanks
I have five left as of now.
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