Re: 72 Chevy k20 350 won't start
Just read this whole thread and now Im on the edge of my seat wondering what was wrong. If it didnt start just to throw in my 2 cents,if its a points distributer there should be 2 wires to the + side of the coil. 1 is from the ignition and the other comes from the starter and is a bypass to keep the coil voltage up while there is a starter draw. The starter cranking can drop the coil voltage down to 9 volts or less creating a weak spark in the start mode.Hence the second wire. If the ignition wire breaks the motor can start on the bypass but will die imediatly when you let go of the key. Hei is the way to go. Also if its points dont forget (everybody always forgets) the condenser can be bad and cause weak or aradick or no spark also. Hei is the way to go...sorry I think I already said that. Good luck and let us know what happend!