Re: 72 Chevy k20 350 won't start
Hey everyone. Thanks for all your input. I have been so busy I haven't had time to work on it. Latest update I got a new coil. I haven't had the chance to try and start it and look at a plug to see if the spark got stronger or stayed the same. Quick refresher on what I changed.
Plugs, wires and coil.
Do points distrib just go bad? I can't even figure out why it doesn't even sound like it wants to turn over.
I only have 2 wires to the coil. 1 to the + and 1 to the - . I wonder if in the header install process I broke the wire coming from the stater to the coil. I'm pretty sure 1 wire goes from coil to distrib and the other goes down to a wiring harness. I THINK. But i am positive I only have 2 wires hooked up.
The tank was on fumes before I did the headers so I ran to the gas station and put 5 gal in it. The gauge reads half and after I put the gas in I only drove it 3 miles MAX. When I lookin in the carb an work the throttle I can see fuel squirt in.
Tomorrow I'm going to hook up a multi meter to the coil and check the volts, also I will look to see if I can find that missing 2nd wire that is supposed to be on the coil.
Thanks again everyone and keep the ideas coming this truck ain't gonna fix itself. Lol.
Quick question. Hei distrib- what are some good ones preferably in the cheaper price range?
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