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Old 03-18-2012, 10:44 PM   #1
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How to match interior colors?

I was about to order some Colorbond from LMT, but the choice of blues amounts to "blue". Since there's more than one shade of blue in my interior, if they only have one blue, it's wrong for about three different things.

It's for my 1970 GMC Sierra Grande. It's blue, but the seats/headliner/doorpanels are lighter than the console, so there's at least two different shades of blue.

In GM parlance, I believe I need "M14 Bright Blue" and "M15 Dark Blue", but I can't find any cross-reference of these into the SEM or Colorbond interior colors.

Does anyone know where I might find such a cross-reference that will list the color codes I need for interior pieces? Ideally, that lists them for some product I can buy, such as SEM or Colorbond.

I know I could take the pieces to a PPG shop and go through color charts, but that still wouldn't get me to a vinyl die or interior paint!

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