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Old 03-23-2012, 01:46 PM   #44
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Location: Pottsville, PA
Posts: 32
Re: 72 Chevy k20 350 won't start


So I was under the hood working the throttle and lookin in the carb making sure it was getting fuel and it wasn't. And I noticed so orange rusty lookin spots in there so I pulled the line off the carb and cranked some fuel into a jug. IT WAS ALL WATER. It was more clear than spring water. So I pulled the line off the inline filter and drained the tank. I put 5 gal in the tank a while ago and the gauge read 1/2 tank. Well while draining it I bet I got a gal of water out. So today I went and got a new filter, a new gas cap( it was cracked and just jiggled, no seal what do ever) and a bottle of that water remover stuff. Put more fresh gas in it and filled the carb wit some gas and I touched the key and VROOOM she fired up.

It won't idle though. I have to hold it at 1/4 throttle just to keep it running and then it still dies. I'm thinkin the carb is gunked up. But man I'm extatic that it runs now.

I never cleaned a carb before so what does that entail?

Thanks so much for everyone's input. Hopefully I can get her runnin smooth and I'll be off hauling and dumpin on no time. Woooo I'm pumped.
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