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Old 04-17-2012, 04:44 PM   #5
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Location: Lake Havasu,AZ
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Re: operation lizard skin

The local hose and fittings store sells "Lizard Skin" and as I talked to the guy and viewed the sample, I realized that what he was marketing for $175/gallon was essentially very similar to elastomeric roof coating which sells for as little as $60 for 5 gallons.
Since I had about three gallons left after doing the deck of my car trailer, I cleaned up the floor and sides and proceeded to coat everything. To get texture, I did three heavy coats. I realized the white color would probably become dirty, so I camo'd it with three colors of blue spraypaint.

I even did the ribbed metal doorpanels textured with the stuff and left them white and I did the bottom 10 inches of the doors and the inside of the tailgate.

I really dont think the results are that impressive related to heat or sound deadening, but there is no question that mosture, rust and leaks in the floor will never again be an issue, even if wet carpet or dynamat laid against it (not gonna happen!)

Last edited by AzDon; 04-17-2012 at 04:50 PM.
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