Originally Posted by LockDoc
The lock cylinder will not come out if you do it that way... First off, 67's do not have an accessory position if they have the original switch in them. You also have to have the key in it to turn the lock cylinder.
FIRST, insert key and turn it to the left as far as it will go. THEN insert a wire, small allen wrench, or straightened paper clip (the large ones work best) into the hole in the face of the lock cylinder and "gently" depress the retainer pin. With the pin depressed turn the cylinder further to the left. After it starts turning you have to remove the wire from the hole or it will bind. After you have it turned to the left as far as it will go wiggle it a little as you pull on the key to remove the lock cylinder.
Very well written "how-to". I scratched my head for a while then searched to this. Thanks! One tip I'd like to add....
I poked the little wire in there, felt the springy latchy thing and turned the cylinder to the left a little. It only went to about 11:00 or so (I've got a '67). I tried and tried to wiggle the cylinder out with no luck. Applied a little blaster and wiggled some more, tried some o-ring picks, still no luck. Then....idea! I backed out the chrome ring that I was trying to get off in the first place and it "pulled" the cylinder out of the body.
Thanks again!