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Old 04-25-2012, 12:43 PM   #2
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Re: Rotor/Hub Separation.

Originally Posted by 70cst10_05 View Post
Hey guys, tearing the front end of my 70k10 project apart. I put a front end out of 73 in it for disc brakes. Now i've got the rotor and hub off of the diff, is there any secret to separating the hub and rotor? I've got the inner seal and wheel bearing out as well. I started wondering if it was one piece or not. If any one has any pictures of this apart it would help me out. This is my first time doing this. I've got a new rotor sitting there and it looks almost like there is an internal part of the hub as well, this would be where the inner seal goes on to, or does that pull through the rotor once I get it dislodged from the rotor.

Thanks guys,

On mine I just pounded the studs out and then tapped the hub free from the rotor.
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