Re: Ideas on how to remove stuck wheel on my 69
Hi I have worked in a tire store for 34 years and here is some things I have done in the past. take off lugs and spray some pb blaster in all 5 holes if u have the time do that for 2 days after that put your lug back on but only 3/4 of the way go some where and do some power slides. if that doesn't work get a 4x4 long enuff so u can have a person holding each side heat the senter of the rim get it real hot then have your 2 buddy holding on the 4x4 on each side and get a big BMFH and swag away o and air up your tire to around 45 psi . If u just hit the back of the rim with the hammer u will put big dents in it we did that alot if the customer was buying new rims or had a replacement rim. hope this helps just keep at it it will come off and just walk away if u get mad. good luck my brother.