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Old 04-29-2012, 03:53 PM   #15
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Re: Flipping a dog Dana 60 for my Chevy?

You do realize that if you literally flip the center chunk 180* (making the drivers side the passenger side and vice versa), the ring gear will be on the wrong side and the front axle will turn in reverse. And the term "reverse cut" gears are kind of misleading, it will not reverse the direction that the axle spins, they change the orientation of the teeth on the ring and pinion so that the gears drive on the drive side of the teeth and not the coast side (This is why high pinion axles are stronger up front as a general rule, because they drive on the drive side, not the coast side like most low pinion front axles do).

Also, if you have a Chevy NP205 case, and a 93 Dodge D60, the 93 D60 is going to be passenger drop, so you wont have to modify it or switch tcases. If you use the 97 Dodge D60, which is drivers drop, you will have to switch to a Ford NP205 since that is a drivers drop axle.

If you absolutely had to, you could drill out the plug welds and have the tubes pulled from the 97 D60, and have them flipped one side for the other, but the amount of time and money required to do that properly will end up costing more than buying the right axle, especially if you screw it up during the re-tube process.

This is the same thing that confuses people about turning a rear axle into a front axle. You do not need to flip the diff over, if you do it will turn backwards, the front and rear ring gears have to be on opposite sides from each other to get both axles to drive in the same direction. And high pinion axles like a Ford D60 still have the ring gear on the same side as a low pinion axle, its just that the ring and pinion have the hypoid cut of the teeth going the opposite direction from the teeth of a low pinion gear set, so they drive on the drive side and not the coast side, and they still move in the same direction as a low pinion gearset.
'63 GMC K20 Work In Progess - 350/400/205/HO72-60/HO72/52's/56's "Because I can"

Last edited by 63GMCKid; 04-29-2012 at 04:02 PM.
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