Thread: 292 Parts
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Old 09-22-2003, 11:56 AM   #6
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The engine was basically stock except for a .060 overbore when it was rebuilt so unforutunately, no header or custom intake; sorry.

As for the brackets; I'm not really sure anymore what came from where. I know that the collection I have came from a 250, a 292 and an integral head I-6 but I can't recall exactly what I took from where. I tried to get the complete sets in each case but I'm not totally sure of that. I think there are enough parts there to mix and match and create 1 setup at least so the way I'm planning to sell them is as one set and the buyer can try and work with them to make them fit. I'm going to sell the 3-groove pulley seperately from that, though.

Next time I scoop parts from the wrecker, I'm going to label things with a paint-pen so I know what came from where ('cuz doing it this way is totally lame).

Thanks for the replies, all!

No such thing as a stupid question, right?
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