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Old 05-13-2012, 11:17 PM   #1
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1967 C10 SWB Wiper Motor and Transmisson Arm Installation

Have there been any posts related to installation of the windshield wiper motor, transmission linkage etc. When I purchased my truck a month ago the PO have taken apart the wiper transmission arm from the motor.

I have the arm in 2 pieces right now and I'm looking for advise and components I need to purchase to get the wipers working to pass my state inspection. I'm not much on electrical work but I did remove the wiper motor today and I'm wondering how I can test the motor to make sure it is working and it's not an electrical issue before I buy another one because it looks pretty old and worn out. LMC has a list of every part you can buy new to get this hooked up - but before I buy everything, I'd like to salvage what I can. My biggest question is does the motor work, how do you connect the transmission arm to it, what seals/grommet do you need to install as well.

Can someone outline the procedure or point me in the right direction on where I can look for the installation process? Thanks!
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