I dropped out of this apples to oranges discussion,but will say this...You can upgrade an old truck to be whatever you want (and probably still have less in it that a newer truck),where you will have great difficulty altering anything on a newer truck. For instance,you want O/D in your older truck?,no biggy. Your trans goes out in your newer truck and you need to replace with the exact same unit. My '85 Jimmy is 27 years old and,other than the body style,is essentially the same mechanical design as a '72...front disc brakes,leaf springs all 4 corners,etc. It has a 6.2 diesel/700r4/4.10s/35" tall tires and gets 22 mpg. I can get the same from my '72 with some simple economical swapping. I'm not so sold on rear disc brakes,but they are an ez upgrade. I mean,it's the front brakes that do most of the stopping anyway. Big rigs still run drum brakes for some reason,too. I think people just get soft the more conveniences you throw at them. I'm no macho man,but I do pride myself of staying simple and not be an addict for convenience. It has kept me healthy,able,and most of all not afraid of putting out a little effort.
I've never had this problem in a 67-72

Sorry,just saw that and had to link it as one of a multitude of issues you'll never have with a good ole blood simple truck. And that's the trade off. Better for some,but not for me.