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Old 06-06-2012, 09:40 PM   #4
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Re: TCC wire with older OD trans

Ive heard you can do some real neat stuff with EFI live, Have you read anywhere that this can be made to work? If so do you have any more info?

On the factory 4L60E setup, The TCC solenoid doesnt handle TCC apply, The PWM TCC soleniod does.
On a 4L80E tune the TCC is cotrolled solely by the TCC solenoid.

There is no need to have the PCM "try" to control lock-up on a 2004R...It "could" have full control of the TCC solenoid...But not the TCC itself...

Wire the TCC solenoid's black wire to a 4th gear oil pressure switch to ground the solenoid, Run a ignition hot through a TCC brake switch to the red wire.
You will have to drop the pan to modify the harness.

The 2004R & early 700R4's have a Converter Clutch Shift valve train that is controlled by TV pressure & Governor pressure. This can hydraulically override/release the TCC solenoid under heavy throttle & not allow it to engage right on top of the 3-4 shift.

If you need any other help just ask.
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